Church Service - March 8, 2025


Last Week's Church Service - March 1, 2025


Three Angels Church


We're so glad you've stopped by our website, which is the main source for the very latest updates regarding our church. All the latest updates will be posted first here. Please check it daily for the latest info.

Saturday (Sabbath), March 8

Prayer Time - 6:30 am (Zoom)

Adult Sabbath School - 9:30 am (Church & Zoom)

Worship Service - 10:45 am (Church & Zoom)

Vespers - 5:00 pm (Church & Zoom)

The service will be transmitted live on YouTube at 10:45 am (you can watch it on our website). Our radio station (101.7 FM) will join the broadcast at 11:00 am. 

Tuesday, March 11

Prayer Time - 6:30 am (Zoom)

Prayer for our Families - 6:30 pm (Zoom)

Prayer Meeting - 7:00 pm (Zoom)

If you do not have a computer or a smartphone - or you do not have access to the internet, you can attend the meeting by calling 1 253 215 8782. When prompted, enter the meeting ID, 809 520 466.

Wednesday, March 12

Adventurers & Pathfinders - 6 pm (Church)

Thursday, March 13

Prayer Time - 6:30 am (Zoom)

Friday, March 14

AY Class - 6:00 am (Zoom)

Don Mackintosh (Weimar University Pastor)

Part 1: 'The Law and Its Logic – Where Atheists & Christians Agree"

Part 2: 'Three Messages, Two Options, One Choice"

Part 3: 'Breaking Free from Depression & Anxiety'

America In Crisis w/Steve Wohlberg

Part 1: 'The Rise of the Beast'

Part 2: 'Will Freedom Vanish In America?'

Part 3: 'When No Man Can Buy or Sell'

CHEC Wellness Resources 

David DeRose, MD, MPH - 30 Days to Natural Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Control

Adventist Health

Here are some resources that explains what the Adventist health  message is about:

Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing

Ellen G. White, Counsels on Diet and Foods

God's 8 Laws of Health

Adventist Health Ministries

Great Children's Resources

How can I return my tithe and offerings?

Here are some easy options:

  • Drop your tithe envelope/offerings in the basket during the collection Sabbath morning

  • Put a check in the mail made out to “Three Angels Seventh-day Adventist Church” or, if you are a Newton member, to "Newton Seventh-day Adventist Church". If you don't have tithe envelopes, please be sure to indicate what is tithe and what is offering.

  • Give online by clicking here.
  • Give via the AdventistGiving app. Set up is easy and you can use it on any device.
Attachments area
Pastor Birger Draget
Wichita Three Angels SDA Church


Join Us This Saturday
Service times:

  • Sabbath School: 9:00 a.m. via Zoom (see above)
  • Worship Service: 10:45 a.m. via Zoom (see above) 



To have a world-impacting local presence that reflects the mission of Revelation 14, urging preparation for Christ’s soon return by fostering the development of Christ’s character and proclaiming the Three Angels’ messages.



A Worldwide Church Family

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates 173 hospitals and sanitariums and more than 7,500 schools around the world. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) works within communities in more than 130 countries to provide community development and disaster relief.